10 предложений по теме must
10 предложений по теме musnt
Плиииииииз срочно надо
Пожалуйста, просто я такая тупая
Дам 30 балов, стела лучшим ответом​


Ответ дал: artemiyherashchenko


Объяснение:1. You mustn't leave the stove burning unattended.

2. You mustn't drive faster than the speed limit.

3. You mustn't take anything that doesn't belong to you.

4. You mustn't be late for school or work.

5. You mustn't smoke in public places.

6. You mustn't forget to wear a seatbelt.

7. You mustn't litter in public areas.

8. You mustn't download copyrighted material.

9. You mustn't use someone else's credit card.

10. You mustn't use profanity in polite company

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