Склади якнайбільше словосполучень із поданих слів (слова з першої

групи постав у присвійному відмінку).

Example: my sister’s address.

I: my sister; my parents; my granny; the dogs; Rita and Max;

my friends; the doctor; my aunt and uncle; our teacher; my

brother; the cats; the monkey; my grandfather

II: car/cars; nose/noses; cup/cups; clothes; address; book/books;

flat; house; tail/tails; computer/computers; ball/balls; farm;

horse/horses; scissors; toy/toys; orange/oranges; legs


Ответ дал: hagadf

My parents' car

My granny's  cups

The dogs' nose

Rita and Max's clothes

My friends' address

The doctor's flat

My aunt and uncle's house

My brother's computer

The cats' balls

The monkey's farm

My grandfather's horses

My sister's scissors

My parents' toys

My granny's oranges

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