2 Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 It was snowing (snow) this morning. 2 My sister 3 spaghetti at lunchtime. you this morning? 4 At eight o'clock last night Molly and Pat 5 My friends 6 the cinema at six o'clock. Osally for you? (not eat) (play) golf (do) their homework. (not go) to (cook) dinner​


Ответ дал: akzhaaaan

Ответ:It was snowing this morning.

My sister was cooking spaghetti at lunchtime.

Were you playing golf this morning?

At eight o'clock last night, Molly and Pat were not going to the cinema.

My friends were doing their homework.

Osally was not eating dinner for you?

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