Аудіювання , пжпжп поможіть , дуже треба

Answer the questions:
1) Does Lesley think it’s important to have a good body image? Why? Why not?
2) Should we compare ourselves with other people or look up to celebrities?
3) Why do teenagers seek to change the image? 4) What can we change, and what can’t we change?
5) What is Lesley’s last advice in the interview?

посилання на саме аудібвання :


callmespecial: Ссылка не работает
vikam267: http://yakistosviti.com.ua/userfiles/image/english-dpa-zno/Test-22.mp3
vikam267: просто скопіюйте
callmespecial: Получилось через vpn
callmespecial: Буду благодарна, если отметите как лучший
vikam267: боже дякую
vikam267: а як це зробити , я хз
callmespecial: Точно не помню, но вроде нажать на коронку в нижней части ответа справа
vikam267: вибачте в мене її немає :(
callmespecial: Ок, ничего страшного


Ответ дал: callmespecial

1) Yes, because your self-esteem often affects the way you act.

2) No, because everyone is different.

3) They believe they would be happier this way.

4) You can lose some weight or become healthier, but you can't change your height or shoe size, so there's no point in worrying about those things.

5) If you have a poor body image, you must call a team helpline or talk to a parent, a teacher or any other adult you trust, since adults were all teens once and they probably know exactly how you feel.

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