Read the article about food festivals. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. The Chinchilla Melon Festival is in February every year.

2. During the festival, there are a lot of things for visitors to see and do.

3. People eat a lot of fruit during the Battle of the Oranges.

4. The festival lasts for three days in February.

5. People use more than one kind of fruit in the Menton Lemon Festival.

6. Visitors have to go to one of Menton's parks to see the fruit figures.

7. The Pahiyas Festival is the shortest of the four festivals in the article.

8. People cook the fruit and vegetables from their decorations the day after the festival.​



Ответ дал: kuzub3587




F (the festival lasts for three days)


F (visitors have to go to the Biovés Garden of the town)

F (the Pahiyas Festival is on 15 May every year)

F (people give the products from their decorations to the visitors at the festival)

Katrina11052012: Thanks!
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