#4 Put these words into the correct order to make sentences with verb patterns. 1. both /at/we/. /galleries/art/to/ enjoy / see / going / exhibitions 2. unless/./like / really / necessary / don't/ going / to/ the / it's / dentist / I 3. should /job/an/ take / your/new/ that/ girlfriend / accountant/./as 4. you / mother / next / here / back / year / hopes / see/my/to/. 5../letters/she/home/finished/ went / and/ the / typing / then 6. can/ o'clock / we/morning / the / in /hotel/ leave/at/the/./9 7. the/in/I/ brother/ might/with/my/go/mountains / skiing /. 8. London /house / in / decided/they/the/buy/not/./to​



Ответ дал: storyboothruseng

1. We are going to both see and enjoy the art galleries exhibitions.

2. Unless it's really necessary, I don't like going to the dentist.

3. Your girlfriend should take a job as an accountant.

4. My mother hopes to see you back here next year.

5. She finished typing the letters and then went home.

6. We can leave the hotel at 9 o'clock in the morning.

7. I might go skiing with my brother in the


8. They decided not to buy a house in London.

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