5 Complete the sentences with can or can't and the verbs in brackets. 1 You 2 We 3 You 4 We 5 I think we (take) a lot of museums. (visit) some free concerts. (see) in a helicopter. (not fly) tennis there. (not play) the ferry to the island.​


holdentudix: You can visit a lot of museums.
We can see some free concerts.
You can't fly in a helicopter.
We can't play tennis there.
I think we can take the ferry to the island.


Ответ дал: Grib000089522114811

1) can visit

2) can see

3) can't fly

4) can't play

5) can take

если полотельное предложение, то ставишь can и после него стразу глагол

если отрицательное предложение, то пишешь can't и глагол

Grib000089522114811: *положительное предложение
Ответ дал: Mirox921

1)You can visit a lot of museums.

2)We can see some free concerts.

3)You can't fly in a helicopter.

4)We can't play tennis there.

5)I think we can take the ferry to the island.

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