9 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs: have, ride, eat, walk, make, buy. 1 Jenna loves ... 2 He went to the supermarket ... some vegetables for dinner. ........ her bicycle. 3 We can't ..... we haven't got any eggs. a cake - 4 I don't like ........ 5 She wants ....... 6 You should instead of catching the bus. junk food. tennis lessons. ....... to school instead of catching the bus
ето срочно даю 30 балов!!!!​


Ответ дал: M0hlik

1 Jenna loves to ride her bicycle.

2 He went to the supermarket to buy some vegetables for dinner.

3 We can't make a cake - we haven't got any eggs.

4 I don't like to eat junk food.

5 She wants to make tennis lessons.

6 You should walk to school instead of catching the bus.

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