Поставь глаголы в Active или Passive. 1. The doctor (to prescribe) me a lot of medicine. The doctor prescribed me a lot of medicine. 2. These exercises (to do) at the last Maths lesson. 57 3. My father (to repair) the old car yesterday. 4. This dictation (to write) at the last English lesson. 5. The presents (to put) under the New Year tree an hour ago. 6. Kate (to invite) to the party last Sunday. 7. Our friends (to build) a new house some years ago. 8. My friend (to give) a lot of presents for her birthday. 9. Sue (not to find) her book on the table. 10. The little children (to find) in the forest only in the evening.
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Ответ дал: nunny


1. The doctor prescribed me a lot of medicine.

2. These exercises were done at the last Maths lesson.

3. My father repaired the old car yesterday.

4. This dictation was written at the last English lesson.

5. The presents were put under the New Year tree an hour ago.

6. Kate was invited to the party last Sunday.

7. Our friends built a new house some years ago.

8. My friend was given a lot of presents for her birthday.

9. Sue did not find her book on the table.

10. The little children were found in the forest only in the evening.


1. Врач прописал мне много лекарств.

2. Эти примеры были решены на последнем уроке математики.

3. Мой отец вчера ремонтировал старую машину.

4. Этот диктант был написан на последнем уроке английского языка.

5. Подарки были положены под новогоднюю елку час назад.

6. Кейт была приглашена на вечеринку в прошлое воскресенье.

7. Несколько лет назад наши друзья построили новый дом.

8. Моей подруге подарили много подарков на день рождения.

9. Сью не нашла свою книгу на столе.

10. Маленьких детей нашли в лесу лишь вечером.

soyr1eso2: лучшая, спасибо!
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