Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильной временной форме Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.
1) Why are (to be) you angry with me?
2) Your brother … (to be) afraid of dogs.
3) Many people … (to be / not) so interested in politics in the past.
4) Tim … (to work) very hard.
5) There … (to be / not) some screws on the floor.
6) People … (to be) unhappy with the present situation.
7) It was cold in the room, so I ... (to shut) all the windows.
8) Why ... (to be / you) absent yesterday?
9) Two weeks ago he ... (to be) in Moscow.
10) How often ... (to go / you) to the dentist?
11) ... (to watch / you) TV yesterday?
12) This time last year we ... (to be) in Paris.
13) ... (your exam / to be) difficult tomorrow? – Yes, it ... .


Ответ дал: ezzamarria

1. being (после you ставится)

2. is

3. are not

4. works

5. are not

6. are

7. shut

8. were you

9. was

10. do you go

11. Did you watch

12. were

13. Will your exam be, will

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