Придумай историю про фаст фуд на английском​


Ответ дал: praoksikret

The history of fast food - fast food - began in antiquity. If in Ancient Greece they still preferred to cook food independently, then the Romans often refused to cook at all, some houses did not even have a kitchen. However, there was no shortage of food establishments in the cities.

Professor Philip Fernandez-Armesto, in his book A History of Food, claims that the average ancient Roman consumed more fast food than, say, a modern New Yorker. The only difference is that the fast food of the ancient Romans was fresher and healthier than today's hot dogs and hamburgers.

The current era of fast food began on March 2, 1955, when entrepreneur Ray Kroc incorporated the company "McDonald's System, Inc." Already in 1963, the volume of sales of hamburgers grew to a million per day, and the chain of stores expanded rapidly. Today, Americans alone spend more than 100 billion dollars annually on such food.

Ответ дал: erzhankyzya2101


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