Write be in the same tense form as the verb on the left.

1. play (am, is, are)
2. opened (was, were)
3. will speak ........
4. entertained ........
5. can buy ........
6. learned ........
7. reads ........
8. must fasten .........
9. ploughs ..........
10. published .......
11. crossed .........
12. wrap .........
13. practised ........​


Ответ дал: ap319487


play (am, is, are) - are

opened (was, were) - were

will speak - will be speaking

entertained - was/were entertained

can buy - can be buying

learned - have/has learned

reads - is/are reading

must fasten - must be fastening

ploughs - is/are ploughing

published - was/were published

crossed - was/were crossing

wrap - will be wrapping

practised - have/has practised

Please note that some forms of tenses depend on the context of the sentence and the past, present or future reference.

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