Put the verbs in brackets into correct form (Present or Past Passive).
1. The poems (to learn) yesterday.
2. The book (to read) at the last lesson.
3. The little children (to take) to school by their parents every day.
4. These houses (to build) last year.
5. Many exciting things (often, to discuss) by them.
6. This song (to sing) everywhere in 1970.
7. The president (to elect) by people.
8. Films for children (to show) every day.
9. The –ing form of ‘sit’ (to write) with a double ‘t’.
10. I (to ask) a lot of questions every lesson.
11. Music (to hear) everywhere last evening.
12. Last week I (to offer) a job at a local bank.​


Ответ дал: hanifaadigozalova
1-was learnt
2-was read
3-are taken
4-was built
5-are often discussed
6-was sung
7-is elected
11-was heard
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