- відкрийте дужки та поставте дієслово у час Present Simple Passive.

1.The house… (to build) by my grandfather.
2.They …..(to drive) to the airport by their friends.
3.I know these pictures ….(to collect) by a famous actor.
4. “Mona Lisa” ….(to painted) by Leonardo da Vinci.
5.My sister ….(to help) to do her homework.
6.This actress ….(to award) a prize on the film festival.
7.Mickey Mouse …(to create) by Walt Disney.
8. The key ….(to take) and the door …..(to open)


Ответ дал: kolyathebest18

1) is built

2) are driven

3) are collected

4) is painted

5) is helped

6) is awarded

7) is created

8) is taken ... is opened

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