2. Oxford is a beautiful city & ... very old. a) its b) that is d) it's 3. I'm sorry, I... . Can you speak more slowly? a) am not understanding don't understand d) understanding 4. It's the most delicious cake I have ever tasted! When & where... it? a) will you buy you buy d) has you bought 5. The child made the dog ... high. a) jumping b) jump a) on b) have you bought jump d) jumped 6. Last year Tom read a lot of books ... the history of Australia. b) in c) for d) at 7. Did you enjoy the Tretyakov Gallery? a) visited b) to visit a) in the age of 4 a) was playing, planted b) played, planted were planting d) was playing, were playing 10. My little brother began to read b) at the age of 4 b) will understand c) St. Andrew visited d) visiting 8. Little John believed that Canada ... in the South of the American Continent. a) is b) was been d) to be 9. At 7 o'clock yesterday Nick ... cricket & his parents ... daffodils. c) played, a) the euro d) at 4 years old d) St.David 2. The national currency of the UK is... . b) the dollar c) there is b) St.Harry d) the rouble 3. The home of London Zoo is... a) Hyde Park ages old V. How much do you know about the United Kingdom & the United States? Choose the correct answer: 1. Which of the following is not the patron saint of a UK country? a) St.George c) d) Glasgow c) did b) Regent Park d) Kew Gardens Park 4. Who had the longest period of reign? c) to a) Queen Elizabeth I b) Queen Elisabeth II d) Queen Victoria c) have c) has c) at 4 c) the pound c) Green c) Queen Ann 5. Every year an international festival called Eisteddfod is held in ... a) England b) Scotland c) Wales d) Northern Ireland 6.... is known as Athens of the North. a) Belfast b) Cardiff c) Edinburgh
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Ответ дал: Etashkola


it's. don't understand . Did you buy it. Jump.


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