Every year on the 5th of N…  British people c…  the a…  of the Gunpowder Plot. In 1605 in E…  there was a large group of Pr…  and a small group of C… . The law was un…  to Catholics, who were fined (которых штрафовали) because they didn’t a…  the Protestant church. A group of men plotted to kill King James and b…  up the Houses of P… , the place where the laws were made. The men bought a house with a cellar n…  to the Parliament building. They planned to put gunpowder under the house and b…  up the parliament b… . On the 5th of November G…  F…  was arrested in the cellar. The King o…  to celebrate his survival with a great b… . Today people c...  this event burning 'guys' on bonfires on the night of the 5th of November. People b…  potatoes in foil over the flames. On this night people also enjoy f…  displays​


Ответ дал: akzhaaaan

Every year on the 5th of November, British people commemorate the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot. In 1605 in England, there was a large group of Protestants and a small group of Catholics. The law was unjust to Catholics, who were fined because they didn’t attend the Protestant church. A group of men plotted to kill King James and blow up the Houses of Parliament, the place where the laws were made. The men bought a house with a cellar next to the Parliament building. They planned to put gunpowder under the house and blow up the parliament building. On the 5th of November Guy Fawkes was arrested in the cellar. The King ordered to celebrate his survival with a great bonfire. Today people commemorate this event by burning 'guys' on bonfires on the night of the 5th of November. People also roast potatoes in foil over the flames. On this night people also enjoy firework displays.

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