Rewrite each sentence using the word in brackets.
1 'What time will the café open tomorrow?' he asked
us. (next day)
2 'Shall I call you a taxi?' Pam asked me. (whether)
3 'Don't believe anything Jim says,' Fran told us. (not)
4 'We must get to the airport on time, I told her. (that)
5 'Who did you see at the club last night?' Tony asked
me. (before)


Ответ дал: pershinkirill2004

Ответ:He asked us what time the cafe would open next day.Pam asked me whether she should call me a taxi.Fran told us not to believe anything Jim said.I told her that we had to get to the airport on time.Tony asked me who I had seen at the club before.


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