6 Complete the phrasal verbs in the sentences with the words below. All the verbs are in the texts in exercises 2 and 4.
cut, down, looked, out, up, up, used
1 Internet cafes are dying because people use smartphones instead.
2 My dad ... down the tree in the front garden.
3 Kote gave ... chocolate because she wants to be healthier.
4 Supermarkets are causing small shops to close ...
5 We've ... up all the bread. Can you buy some more?
6 You can heat ... the soup in the microwave.
7 I ... after my little brother while Mum was out​


Ответ дал: rosalinkey
1 Internet cafes are dying because people use smartphones instead.
2 My dad cut down the tree in the front garden.
3 Kote gave up chocolate because she wants to be healthier.
4 Supermarkets are causing small shops to close down.
5 We've used up all the bread. Can you buy some more?
6 You can heat up the soup in the microwave.
7 I looked after my little brother while Mum was out.
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