5. Rewrite the sentences. Use one or ones instead of highlighted words. Example: I don't have my old mobile phone now. I bought a new mobile phone last week. I bought a new one last week. 1) There are a lot of shops in the city centre. These shops are usually very expensive. These 2) "Which colour T-shirt would you like?” "The grey T-shirt, please." The grey 3) "Can I have those biscuits, please?" "These biscuits?" These ? ​это картина 4 и 5 вапрост ии с
цифрыми пж



Ответ дал: ezzamarria

1) These ones are usually very expensive.

2) They grey one, please.

3) Can I have those ones, please?

4) I want a chocolate one.

5) The one which I gave you yesterday.

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