Write complete sentences. Use the correct form of have to.
Example: What / do / in your job?
What do you have to do in your job?
1 We / meet clients.
2 I / not / serve customers.
3 What / your boss / do?
4 He / give presentations.
5 You / travel? Yes / do.
6 You / work in a team? No / not.
7 They / not / work long hours.
8 You / wear a suit?


Ответ дал: Wentorio


1. We have to meet clients.

2. I don't have to serve customers.

3. What does your boss have to do?

4. He has to give presentations.

5. Do you have to travel? Yes, I do

6. Do you have to work in a team? No, I don't

7. The don't have to work long hours.

8. Do you have to wear a suit?

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