Помогите !!! Use the following adectives to compare people in your family: noisy, outgoing, helpful, serious, slowly, generous, confident, lazy, impatient, polite. Write about 60 words.


Ответ дал: klsmchak2011


My grandmother is the most helpful person in my family. She is always willing to lend a helping hand or give advice. She is also very generous, often giving us gifts or money when we need it. My father is the most confident and outgoing member of the family. He is always the life of the party and knows how to make people laugh. My mother is the most patient and polite of us all. She is always willing to listen and understand, no matter the situation. My brother is the noisiest and most impatient family member. He's always talking and rarely takes time to think before he acts. On the other hand, my sister is the most serious and slow-moving. She takes her time with things and always weighs the pros and cons before making a decision. All in all, my family is full of different personalities which makes for an interesting and diverse home.


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