3 Hannah is on holiday in Greece. Write questions and answers about the things she has and has not done. 1 visit Athens X 2 spend lots of money/ 3 go windsurfing ✔ 4 read lots of books X 5 swim in the sea ✔ 6 send many postcards X 1 Has she visited Athens? No, she hasn't. 2 3 4 5 6​



Ответ дал: Romonar


Has she spends a lot of money? Yes she has. Has she went to windsurfing? Yes, she has. Has she readed a lot of books? No she hasn't. Has she swimed in the sea? Yes she has. Has she sended a lot of postcards? No she doesn't


Ставь глагол в прошедшие число и ставь has she или he смотря от пола и галочка это значит она делала а крестик это не делала :)

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