Answer the questions using Don't /Doesn't 1.-Do you receive many emails? No, I.......... 2.-Does he help you? No, he........... 3.-Does your teacher like you? No, she **** 4.-Do we have a shower every day? No, we new 5.-Does Martha tidy the flat? No, she 6.-Do they do some exercise? No, they. 7.-Does David fail the exams? No, he 8.-Do I tell funny jokes? No, I. 9.-Does Hector get the money? No, he 10.-Do my friends get up early? No, they......​


Ответ дал: alisherkhasan


1 don't

2 doesn't

3 doesn't

4 don't

5 doesn't

6 don't

7 don't

8 don't

9 doesn't

10 don't

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