3** Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 How many polar bears live near Churchill? About 800. 2 What is the effect of climate change on the people and bears? 3 Have they attacked anyone in the town recently? 4 What does the Polar Bear Alert programme try to do? 5 What does Bob use to frighten the bears? 6 What do they do with bears that don't leave the town?​
срочно дам 100 баллов



Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


2 It has made it more difficult for them to live together.

3 Yes, they have. Two people were injured.

4 It tries to make them scare away from the town without killing them.

5 Bob uses a gun with blanks, firecrackers, an air horn and a paintball gun.

6 They put them in a special 'bear jail' and then take them by helicopter out of the town,


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