Fill in the gaps with too/enough and the words in brackets.

Does your father have ___________ (time) to help you with your homework?
My sister can’t ride a bike. She is ____________ (little).
The radio is ______________ (loud). It's terrible.
Alex doesn’t have _________ (knowledge) to finish the report.
Jim is ________________ (clever) for them.
Anna can’t drink this tea. It’s _____________ (hot).
Barbara didn’t ______________ (sleep).

Revise the topic “Too / enough”. Повторите тему “Too / enough”.
Read the sentences carefully. You need to fill in the gaps with too or enough and the words in brackets. Внимательно прочитайте предложения. Вам нужно заполнить пропуски наречиями too или enough и словами в скобках.
You can do the task in several ways: you can rewrite the whole sentences, or you can write the words you have inserted. Вы можете выполнить это задание несколькими способами: переписать предложения полностью или просто написать слова, которые вы вставили.

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