Потрібно скласти 10 речень з наступними словами/фразами:
to feel under the weather
to save up for a rainy day
to be on cloud nine
to see which way the wind blows
scorching sun
heavy rain
huge snowstorm
light breeze
strong winds


Ответ дал: жужакин


1. When I came to a friend's party, I felt under the weather.

2. My grandmother always saved money for a rainy day.

3. Yesterday my parents gave me a new computer and I was on cloud nine.

4. I will see which way the wind is blowing before making a serious decision.

5. My brother is not feeling well, as he was under the scorching sun all day yesterday.

6. My dad got caught in heavy rain, all his papers got wet.

7. The news broadcast a huge snowstorm for tomorrow so my school closed.

8. After a hot day, it is always nice to feel a light breeze on you.

9. Strong winds are rare in our region.

10. I was walking with a friend when showers caught us.


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