Допоможіть будь ласка з англійським. Розкажіть про свою останню подорож (6-10 речень). На англійській мові. У цьому творі обов’язково треба використати та підкреслити хоча б один вказівний займенник та один зворотний займенник.


Ответ дал: жужакин


Recently my parents and I were in London for the holidays and it was a lot of fun! We were in different places, but most of all I liked the Sherlock Holmes Museum. This (вказівний займенник) place looks very interesting because I read the book and always wanted to go to Baker Street to see how the main characters live. We also visited the London Eye, but I was a little scared as I am afraid of heights. But the view of London was incredible. When we were going home, I bought myself (зворотній) a souvenir in a store using my knowledge of English. This (вказівний) Big Ben keychain will remind me of this journey.


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