Summative assessment for the unit Art and Music Musical Instruments Can you think of a day without musie? We can hear music everywhere: in the streets at home, over the radio and on TV, in the shops and in the parks. People all over the world fond of music. They listen to music, they dance to music, they learn to play mus instruments. People use their voice to sing. To make other kinds of music they use many diffe musical instruments. Most musical instruments fall into one of four groups. Stringed instrume like violins and harps, have tight strings that make sounds when people pluck or rub them. W instruments, like trumpets and saxophones, make sounds when people blow into them. Percuss instruments, like drums and rattles, make sounds when people hit or shake them. Keybo instruments, like pianos and accordions, make sounds when people press their keys, buttons levers, Which of these remarks are true? True (T) or False (F) We can hear music only in the streets. People use their voice to sing. Most musical instruments fall into one of four groups. Wind instruments, like pianos and drums, make sounds when people blow into them. 5. Percussion instruments, like violins and harps, have tight strings that make sounds when peop pluck or rub them. 6. Keyboard instruments, like pianos and accordions, make sounds when people press their key buttons or levers (6 points) 1. 2. 3. 4.​


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