Выберите правильный вариант. they fond of? 1 What sports ... Test Ne9. B) does C) have D) are E) do A) Is 2. What city... the capital of Kazakhstan? A) Am B) are C) be D) is E) been 3.When we came back the children... in the garden with two unknown boys. A) Would play B) play C) was playing D) are playing E) were playing 4. Aset... newspapers every day. A) Has read 5. My friend... any present yesterday. B) reads C) were reading D) have read E) has wrote A) Bought not B) doesn't buy C) will buy D) didn't bought E) didn't buy 6. What ... the weather like yesterday? A) Is B) were C) was D) are E)am 7. We... this film from 5 till 7 p.m. yesterday. A) Were watch B) watched C) watched D) were watching E) have watching 8. He... for 10 minutes when we came. A) Had been speaking B) had spoken C) was speaking D) spoke E)speaks 9. I... here since 1992. A) Live B) lived C) has lived D) living E) have been living 10. When I... him I'll give him your message. B) saw A) See 11. Закончите разделительный вопрос. C) will see D) sees E) is seeing They will arrive at 6 p.m., ... ? A) Shall they B) shan't they C) won't they D) they will E) will they 12.They spoke quietly, ...? A) Don't they B) did they C) are they D) do they E) didn't they 13.Закончите предложение. My sister will go to the seaside .... A) Already B) yesterday C) yet 14. Выберите альтернативный вопрос. A) Do you like apples or pears? B) What is your sister's name? C) is your flat large? D) Where do you live? E) Do you go to school on Saturday? 15.Выберите правильный вариант. The lesson... when I arrived. D) ever E) tomorrow A) Already starts B) has already started C) already started D) had already started E) is already starting 16. She... at school last Monday. A) Are B) am C) do D) was E) were 17. You... in London, don't you? A) Lives B) would live C) has lived D) live E) is living 18. My brother... a beard last year. E) grow A) have grown B) grew C) had grown D) have grew 19. I looked out of the window and saw that we... over the mountains. A) have flown B) fly C) flew D) were flying E) was flying 20. Asel... sweets. A) Do like B) don't like C) likes not D) doesn't like E) not like​



Ответ дал: bhoper228


1) are 2) is 3)were playing 4)reads 5) didn't buy 6)was 7)were watching 8)was speaking 9) lived 10)see 11) won't they 12) didn't they 13) tomorrow 14)a 15)had already started 16) was 17)live 18)grew 19)were flying 20) doesn't like

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