Complete with the correct tag questions. 1. He plays for the band, 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. Question Tags 8. 5. You like it, 9. You can play the guitar, He has not left the school, Neeru was sad after failing the exam. He didn't help him, They live in Delhi, We play football every day, Sarah isn't attending the concert, 10. She sings very well,​

Аноним: привіт, напиши мені в інсту, кину відповідь, annacosovska, я з зеленою авою


Ответ дал: ap319487

He plays for the band, doesn't he?

He has not left the school, has he?

Neeru was sad after failing the exam, wasn't she?

He didn't help him, did he?

You like it, don't you?

They live in Delhi, don't they?

We play football every day, don't we?

Sarah isn't attending the concert, is she?

You can play the guitar, can't you?

She sings very well, doesn't she?

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