My aunt drink) milk. She (have) a lactose intolerance. for them in the closet. (never, ays, My mum. (usually, buy) Christmas presents long before Christmas. I (always, look) My dad. (sometimes, ride) a bike to work and walk). 13 1 CALCIUM (not, like) singing. 17 My brother (sing) in the school choir, but F 21 Everybody The sun (rise) in the east and it (set) in the west. (know) that. Mrs Webb a dressmaker. She (sew) baby rompers and pyjamas. 14 18 (be) 22 My neighbour (teach) Maths in my school. He (explain) very well and we (like) him. (have) a Luke piano lesson twice a week. He (play) very well. 15 19 23 I (sometimes, eat) chicken for dinner, but I. (prefer) pizza. Mr. Jenkins my dentist. I (usually, visit) him twice a year. James the morning 16 (be) My family. (usually, spend) summer holidays at the seaside. 1 (often, build) sandcastles. (read) paper every day. He (want) to know the latest news. 20 24​


Ответ дал: Lizabethhhh

Ответ: drinks; has; ays don't; usually buys; always look; sometimes rides...and walks; doesn't like; sings; rises...and it sets; I know; sew; teaches; explains...and we like; has; plays; sometimes eat; prefer; usually visit; is; do you usually spend; I often build; I read; wants

Объяснение: после he, she, it идет гл с s на конце

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