32 The traffic is so terrible! We....... to work really late.
B will get
A are getting
C are going to get
33 Helen visits her grandparents three times ....... week.
A the
B -
34 Remember to go and see Mr Samuels.. get to the office.
A while
B when
C as soon
35 Professor Dewy claims he ....... on the solution to the problem as he was watching a science fiction film.
A invented
B stumbled
C found out
36 Why ....... the milk? Has it gone off?
A do you smell
B can you smell
C are you smelling ******* you
37 People who aren't very confident have a poor ..... of themselves.
A fantasy
B image
C vanity
38 They are planning to hire a famous architect to....... their new home.
A improve
B develop
39 The harder he tried, the school.
A better
B best
41 Helen was very nervous abroad on her own.
A about
B of
C design ...... he did at C well
40 The parcel....... this morning. I'm sure you'll receive it by 5pm.
A sent
B was sent
C was sending travelling C with
42 He didn't want to say anything about the surprise, but he spilled the ....... in the end!
A tea
B milk
C beans
43 We've ....... this shop for half an hour and we haven't seen one sales assistant!
A gone to
B been in
C been to
помогите пожалуйста​


Ответ дал: kydyrbajdinislam947


32,а;33с;34 b,35a 36a 37b 38c 39 b 40 a 41 d 42c 43a

guzeelgais: спасибооо♡
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