Present Continuous
1. She isn't studying,
2. Your dog is sleeping,
3. Her friend is calling you,
4. Mary and Peter aren't working,
5. Miss Smith and you are dating,
Past Continuous
1. They were
2. Samantha was running,
3. Mary and Peter weren't playing,
4. Silvio wasn't watching a movie,
5. She was living in Rio,
Past Perfect
1. You hadn't slept early,
2. She had met him,
3. He had come,....
4. We hadn't been late,
5. They had played a lot,
Modal Verbs
1. She can come,
2. They should study,
3. You wouldn't cheat,
4. It couldn't fail,
5. He shouldn't stay home,



Ответ дал: dana1235414


Present continuous

She isn't studying, is she?

Your dog is sleeping, isn't it?

Her friend is calling you, isn't he?

Mary and Peter aren't working, are they?

Miss Smith and you are dating, aren't you?

Past continuous

They were exercising, weren't they?

Samantha was running, wasn't she?

Mary and Peter weren't playing, were they?

Silvio wasn't watching a movie, was he?

She was living in Rio, wasn't she?

Past perfect

You hadn't slept early, had you?

She had met him, hadn't she?

He had come, hadn't he?

We hadn't been late, had we?

They had played a lot, hadn't they?

Modal verbs

She can come, can't she?

They should study, shouldn't they?

You wouldn't cheat, would you?

It couldn't fail, could it?

He shouldn't stay home, should he?

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