1. Paraphrase the sentences using the gerund. Write down the whole sentences.

Example: He admitted that he had stolen the bicycle. →He admitted having stolen the bicycle.

1. Jacobson admitted that he had given false information.

2. I dislike it when I'm told what to do.

3. I clearly remember that I posted your letters.

4. I wasn't entirely honest with him, I admit.

2. Make up sentences using gerundial phrases according to the example.

Example: (a) to be tired of + (b) to argue = I am tired of arguing.

5. (a) to be good at (b) to make friends.

6. (a) to be proud of (b) to be a pilot.

7. (a) to be afraid of (b) to catch a cold.

8. (a) to be fond of (b) to dance.

3. Answer the questions:

9. How much TV do you watch?

10. When do you usually watch it?

11. What do you never watch?

12. What’s your favourite programme?

aamahova3b: ой в 3 задании я случайно добавила 5 задание
aamahova3b: там где "I don't know!"
aamahova3b: ой я сделала в 3 задание ошибки говоря коротко просто не пишы 1 и 5 задание оке?


Ответ дал: aamahova3b

Ответ: 1 задание

1. Jacobson admitted having given false information.

2. I dislike being told what to do.

3. I crearly remembered my posting your lettes.

4. I admit not being entirely honest with him.

2 задание

1. I am good at making friends

2. He is proud of being a pilot

3. She was afraid of catching a cold

4. We are fond of dancing

3 задание

1. At 5-7 pm.

2. Sometimes, I don't really like to watch TV.

3. I never watching horrors! its very scary!

4. My favourite programme is a talent show

5. I don't know!


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