B. Complete with How much or How many. ice cream have you got? milk do we need for the milkshake? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. carrots do you need for a glass of carrot juice? water do you drink every day? people are there in the restaurant? glasses of milk do you usually drink a day? club sandwiches do you want? chocolate do you eat a week? slices of bread do you need? coffee do you usually drink a day?
Дам 10 балов пж оч надо​


Ответ дал: kabdrasaisha2304


1)how many ice cream have you got?

2)how much milk do you need for the milkshake?

3)how many carrots do you need for a glass of carrot juice?

4)how much water do you drink every day?

5) how many people are there in the restaurant?

6)haw many glasses of milk do you usually drinka day?

7)how many club sandwichws do yo want?

8) how many chocolate do you eat a week?

9) how many slices of bread do you need?

10)how much coffee do you usually drink a day?

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