Выберите правильный вариант сказуемого и составьте
вопросительные и отрицательные предложения:
1. The crocodiles cry/are crying every day.
2. The monkey climb/is climbing now.
3. The hippo has/is having a bath every morning.
4. The seals swim/are swimming in the sea now.
5. The giraffe usually eats/is eating from the tree.
6. We have/are having fun now.


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. cry. Do the crocodiles cry every day? The crocodiles don't cry every day.

2. The monkey is climbing now. Is the monkey climbing now? The monkey isn't climbing now.

3. The hippo has a bath every day. Does the hippo have a bath every day? The hippo doesn't have a bath every day..

4. The seals are swimming in the sea now. Are the seals swimming in the sea now? The seals aren't swimming in the sea now.

5. The giraffe usually eats from the tree. Does the giraffe usually eat from the tree? The giraffe doesn't usually eat from the tree.

6. We are having fun now. Are we having fun now? We aren't having fun now.


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