Complete the sentences with How much or How many.
1._____chocolate bars do you eat a week?
2.____ketchup do you want on your chips?
3.____players are there in a basketball team?
4.____lemonade is there in the bottle?
5.____coffee does your mother drink a day?
6.____strawberries have we got?​


Ответ дал: gladkiyartiom8


1. How much

2. How much

3.How many

4.H oh much

5. How much

6. How many


how many используется с исчисляемыми 1 клубника 2 клубники, а how much с неисчесляемыми мы не можем сказать 1 лимонад, 2 лимонада.

Оцените п

kidman1589: спасибо
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