Заполнте пропуски неправильными глаголами в Past Simple и дайте короткие ответы: 1. Who......... to the office by bus? (to go) 2. Who ......... home at 3 o'clock? (to come) 3. Who this newspaper yesterday? (to read) 4. Who ...... you this book? (to give) 5. Who......... this article? (to write) -6. Who .......... your pen? (to take) 7. Who........ this application? (to write) 8. Who .......... a new film with Nicole Kidman? (to see) 9. Who these documents? (to find) 10. Who you a new program? (to show) ********* 11. Who.......... this box under the table? (to put) 12. Who.......... your room? (to do) 13. Who.......... sandwiches for lunch yesterday? (to buy) 14. Who......... coffee for lunch yesterday? (to make) 15. Who this new film? (to understand) 16. Who a new house? (to build) ​


Ответ дал: giovanniroma446



Who went to the office by bus?

Who came home at 3 o'clock?

Who read this newspaper yesterday?

Who gave you this book?

Who wrote this article?

Who took your pen?

Who wrote this application?

Who saw a new film with Nicole Kidman?

Who found these documents?

Who showed you a new program?

Who put this box under the table?

Who did your room?

Who bought sandwiches for lunch yesterday?

Who made coffee for lunch yesterday?

Who understands this new film?

Who built a new house?

Ответ дал: bulkakarton
1. goes
2. comes
3. read
4. gave
5. wrote
6. took
7. wrote
8. saw
9. found
10. showed
11. put
12. did
14. made
15. understood
16. built
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