Vocabulary 1 Travel and Holidays buffet coach-station departure-lounge harbour quay cabin deck destination platform runway da .... in their a) Most of the young people on the boat slept on the sleeping bags. b) As the train drew in to the station, Terry could see her sister waiting on the c) I was so nervous about flying that I left my bag in the............ d) By the time I got to the .............. the express bus to Scotland had left. ......, the storm began. ....., the e) As soon as the boat left the ........... f) We hadn't had anything to eat, but luckily there was................ on the train. ..............free on the boat. g) I'm afraid there is only one first-class. h) Tim reached Paris safely, but his luggage didn't reach its i) There was a queue of cars on the.. the island. j) Our plane nearly crashed into a fire-engine on the . YEY ......., waiting for the car-ferry to
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Ответ дал: baltabaevaasem4


hi back and forth to the world to be a good time with the same time⌚ I don't think I am so happy to see you soon as you can get it done

eldanasakaman8: чо
baltabaevaasem4: капчо хахмхс
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