2 Write the correct word for each definition. Use the words in Exercise 1. 1 2 It's a small, flat computer you can hold in your hands. tablet You put this inside a camera or other piece of technology to make it work. 3 It's a piece of wire to join things together. 4 You use this to take a photo of yourself. 5 You use these to listen to music so that no one else can hear. 6 You push this into the wall to connect to the power supply. 7 You use this to put more electricity into your phone. 8 This is the part of a device where the sound comes out.
Допоможіть будь ласка хто з України інтелект клас. ​


Ответ дал: mizshu
Не знаю, ви не відправили слова, тому зробила за змістом.

1. laptop
2. battery [?]
3. [?]
4. camera
5. headphones
6. power socket [?]
7. charger
8. speaker
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