помогите пожалуйста(⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡​



Ответ дал: feruza484


Hey! I'm going to tell you which cafe I'm going to go with my friends. I'm going to invite a few of my friends over to a cafe just to sit and chat. This cafe is nearby. But we will go each separately by taxi. I have heard about this cafe. This is a Japanese cafe. They sell various sweets from Japan and prepare some delicious Japanese desserts. I want to try chocolate dessert. And my friends go there because of the design, yes, I saw some pictures and the cafe had an amazing interior. We will go there literally tomorrow. Thank you for your attention.


Надеюсь помогла!

там есть

to be going to

и оно написано в будущем времени

kuzminaamina5: Спасибо большое, вы очень помогли!^^ жаль что реплики людей не отделяются тире, выходит немного не понятно^^
feruza484: так там один человек говорит
Вас заинтересует