1. We need (need) to wait. I don't know (not/know) how long.

2. I don't like (not/like) this shirt. I prefer (prefer) that one.

3. I don't understand (not/understand) what you mean (mean). Can you explain it?

4. Why is she (she/be) here? I don't remember (not/remember) inviting her.

5. I see (see) that you are (be) very busy at the moment. I'll come back later.

6. John thinks (think) that he will win the race.

7. Tom is thinking (think) of emigrating to Australia.

8. Don't use this tool. It seems (seem) to be broken.

9. Do you realise (you/realise) what that means (mean)?

10. You are (be) normally a very polite person. Why are you being (you/be) so rude right now?

11. Josh loves (love) Alice. Unfortunately, Alice doesn't think (not/think) much of him.
Англ мова 9 класс


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