In pairs, talk about recent experiences you have had and say how they made you feel. You can use adjectives from the list, and/or your own ideas.

relaxed scared/terrified


irritated/annoyed⚫ upset

• furious/angry ⚫ cheerful/happy

A: When was the last time you felt worried?

B: Last week.

A: What happened?

B: I had a Maths test. Sitting for tests always makes me feel worried. What about you? ... etc


Ответ дал: mishakosmos1990


As a child, I often walked in the park with my parents. And one day an interesting story happened to me: suddenly a dog appeared in front of me. At first I was scared, but the dog immediately began to caress. She looked like she wanted to take me somewhere. I called my parents, and we went where the dog was leading us. Going into a small forest, we came to a tree, next to which several puppies were lying. An adult dog whined and pointed at one puppy. It turned out that his foot was damaged. My parents and I went to the vet clinic, where the puppy was given help. When we brought him back, the dog showed with a look that he was very grateful to us. This dog and her puppies have been fed every day since that day. Each dog got its own nickname, and they will always be remembered by me.


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