Задание № 3 Дополните предложения, используя данные слова:
Englishman, sociable sort of thing, steak, a boiled egg, “high tea”, mutton chop
1 Some people also have … .
2 Sometimes people have a … or … and chips followed by biscuits and
cheese, and some people like a glass of light beer with lunch.
3 Afternoon tea you could hardly call a mean but it is a … as friends often
come in then for a chat while they have their cup of tea with cake or biscuit.
4 For a change, you can have … , cold ham or, perhaps, fish.
5 And that’s what and … calls a good tea.


Ответ дал: stasiv07


boiled egg

steak, mutton chop

sociable sort of thing

cold ham, fish



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