На 10 любих запитань у паст симпл​



Ответ дал: dimonchop


1) Yesterday I had a very busy day.

2) I woke up at 6:30am and had a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

3) I then got ready for the day and left for class at 8:30am.

4) I arrived in class at 9:00am and was on time.

5) I did some exercise last week, mostly running and some light weight lifting.

6) I watched some TV yesterday, mostly news and some sports.

7) I did some homework yesterday, mostly math and some reading. I spent about $20 yesterday on food and other items.

8) I didn't read a book or magazine last week, but I did read some articles online.

9) I ate at a restaurant last week, it was a Mexican restaurant. I got a haircut last month at a local barber shop.

10) I was happy yesterday because I was able to finish all of my tasks for the day.

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