помогите пожалуйста, срочно
буду очень благодарен ​


KBac111: нету
Аноним: где тебе можно написать?
Аноним: чтобы отправить текст
KBac111: Незнаю
KBac111: Я вообще нигде не сижу


Ответ дал: KBac111


Пожалуйста напиши плохо видно и помогу



KBac111: так
KBac111: Я немного разглядела
KBac111: Прости если что то неверно плохо понятно
Аноним: Many British town bases have two ___(1), and the top deck is a good place from which to see the _____(2). In London the buses suffer from traffic _____(3), and anyone who does not buy a special all-routes pass or travel- _____(4) should pay separately for each bus ride, to the ______(5) if there is one, otherwise to the driver. Public use of buses is half what it was in 1950, because people prefer to use _____(6).
KBac111: 1.Car
Аноним: это первая часть текста
Аноним: London's buses carry around four million _____(7) every day, and bus ____(8) cover over 1,800 miles (nearly 2,900 km) of the capital's roads. The familiar double-decker ______(9) are one of the most distinctive sights in London, and no _____(10) to London would be complete without a trip on one. The most famous design, with an open passenger _____(11) at the rear of the bus, dates back to the 1950s, although now they are being replaced with more modern ______(12) with the entrance at the front.
KBac111: 2 незнаю
Аноним: это вторая
KBac111: ой прости незнаю
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