3) Read and complete the chart TRIPS Around the world f the first people to travel around the world travelled by ship They started in 1519 The trip took almost 3 years In 1970, a man named Dave Kunst walked around the world. His trip took 4 years, 3 months and 16 days. Six drivers with two cars went on a trip around the world in 1990, it took 40 days, The first flight around the world took 371 hours and 11 minutes. That was in 1924. Date 1519 1924 In 1988, a Boeing 747 plane took 36 hours and 8 minutes. How! by ship How long? 40 days
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Ответ дал: ilovemydog2009
1519| by ship| 3 years
1924| by plane| 371 hours, 11 minutes
1990| by car| 40 days
1988| by plane| 36 hours, 8 minutes
1970| by legs| 4 years, 3 months, 16 days
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