Write questions about the things underlined in the statements.
a) Sam sees _Joe_ every day at school. ~~~ Who does Sam see every day at school?
b) Sam sees Joe every day _at school_.
c) _Sam_ sees Joe every day at school.
d) He is playing for Manchester United this season.
e) His school has four different sites.
f) Over 2,000 students take the exam.
g) The school employs over 20 teachers.
h) He's studying photography in the evenings.
i) He is working in a factory this summer


Ответ дал: ap319487

a) Who does Sam see every day at school?

b) Where does Sam see Joe every day?

c) Who sees Joe every day at school?

d) Who is playing for Manchester United this season?

e) How many sites does the school have?

f) How many students take the exam?

g) How many teachers does the school employ?

h) What is he studying in the evenings?

i) Where is he working this summer?

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