.C. Join the sentences using who, which, where or whose.
1. That's Sally Brown. Her seven brothers and sisters all live abroad.
2. The leather jacket was very expensive. I didn't buy it.
3. That new actor is very talented. I saw his new film last week.
4. Mike works at a restaurant. Famous people often eat there.
5. Tina was talking on the phone with Angie. She's her best friend.​


Ответ дал: Safiya7406


1. That's Sally Brown, whose seven brothers and sisters all live abroad.

2. The leather jacket, which I didn't buy, was very expensive.

3. That new actor, whose new film I saw last week, is very talented.

4. Mike works at a restaurant, where famous people often eat.

5. Tina was talking on the phone with Angie, who is her best friend.

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