Write an essay with the title above. Your essay should be 50 to 120 words, not including the words provided.
Describe what you can and cannot do at 16 and 18.
Say when you think someone should legally be an adult.
Give reasons for your opinion.
In my country, a young person is legally an adult at the age of 18. This means that they can ...​


Ответ дал: bennytheissuer


In my country, a young person is legally an adult at the age of 18. At this age, they are able to vote, purchase tobacco and alcohol, and join the military. However, they are still unable to buy lottery tickets or gamble until they reach the age of 21. In my opinion, someone should legally be considered an adult at the age of 18 as this is the age when they are given many responsibilities and rights in society.

However, I do think that some maturity is required to handle these responsibilities, and that 18 may be too young for some individuals. I believe that a person's maturity level should be taken into consideration before granting them full adult rights and responsibilities.

In conclusion, the age of 18 should be the legally accepted age of adulthood, but the maturity of individuals should also be considered when granting them rights and responsibilities.

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